How To Start Potty Training

v tips and tricks for how to beginning potty grooming, may simply exist the thing to get your little i out of diapers and on to beingness a big boy or girl!

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Whatever Tips on Potty Training?

My good friend messaged me last night and asked if I had any good tips on how to start potty training her son. When she asked, my mind started flowing with ideas, and she replied, "You lot should do a blog post on this." Well… heck. Ok. I guess a toddler will accept accidents from time to time, and at to the lowest degree I may be able to assistance people get started with the whole potty training thing.

At present while I Nonetheless don't think I'thousand a potty training expert, I'yard hoping the things I tried with my niggling boy, helps you lot a niggling flake.

I personally don't recall there was ONE potty preparation tip that fabricated my son want to start going on the potty, instead of his diaper/underwear. Or maybe that's because I was trying so many different things at once, that I'yard not sure what finally "clicked."

How to First Potty Grooming

1. Print off a "potty training chart."

You lot can use the one I created for my kiddos if you want! Other potty charts that I found online were likewise "long," and I felt my toddler lost the whole attribute of the reward at the end, because it took a while to get his advantage. So I kept mine curt, and just had 10 potty boxes, so he would become a reward faster and hopefully catch on sooner. You can put a sticker on each box {maybe 1 for pee pee and ii stickers for #2?}  The reward of course tin can be anything of your choosing, just I wouldn't arrive a huge and costly surprise, because ten potty breaks can add together upwards quick. Perchance a favorite cookies or processed that he/she loves. {I exercise want to mention that I also tried giving him an Chiliad&1000 every time he went pee pee on the potty, and an Oreo cookie every fourth dimension he went #2. I did this for a LONG time, and I don't actually remember it helped that much. I think the potty chart worked meliorate}  Download it here:

Free potty preparation nautical chart

How To Start Potty Training

two. Potty Seat Insert

I chose to go with a potty seat insert, rather than a piddling potty. I wanted my son to get used to sitting on the big potty, instead of having to transition again afterwards to something new and possibly scary. Also, I never liked how my son could become pee pee or #ii in the little potty, and exist able to touch it, because it sits so close to the rim, and it doesn't actually "affluent." So, I wanted my toddler to be able to detect joy in beingness able to "flush" for real and watch the pee pee become farewell-bye. Besides, when you lot're in a public identify, odds are you are going to use a big potty, and I didn't want my toddler to freak out when the toilet flushed really loud, instead of his little Elmo potty proverb, "Yay, you did it!" 🙂  I used the potty seat insert, shown beneath. You tin can buy it here at I especially liked this one for my son, considering it had the splash guard. (Seriously… it saved a mess and so many times!)

3. Take abroad diapers completely. Well… ALMOST.

I bought really cute "big boy" underwear for my son, and fabricated the switch. I told him that diapers needed to go "adieu farewell," and he was going to be a big boy and wear large boy underpants now. (Only I think that conversation flew right over his head.)  Anyway, I took the diapers away completely, all at once. Be PREPARED to wash a lot of underwear/pants. But I thought that by letting him article of clothing underwear sometimes, so putting a diaper on him at bed fourth dimension and naptime would just confuse him. He's so little that he doesn't know how to keep runway of which i he is wearing at what time of the day. And then I simply took diapers abroad and put upwards with washing and rewashing his underwear and clothes.

Now what about bed sheets, right?

I bought bed pads, that take a non-slip backing, and put those on the top of his sheets. Then if he had an accident, information technology simply got on the pads, and that's all I had to launder. No, pulling sheets off, and having to launder his sheets a 1000000 times. Totally nice. You can buy non-skid mattress pads hither in dissimilar sizes!

four. Talking & Explaining

Even though I'm not sure which one helped my toddler, I feel this 1 played a HUGE office in it. I was (and notwithstanding do) constantly talk about going on the potty with him. Explain what each and everything is, like:



How good it is to proceed the potty

Honestly, the poor little guy is so agape of disappointing me. (I know, sweet correct?)  When I told him that it makes mommy happy when he goes on the potty, and not in his underpants. That MAY have been what made information technology click. I mentioned to him 1 day that it makes mommy "sad," when he goes pee pee in his underwear, and he's been doing and so much better e'er since. He fifty-fifty says, "Mommy is so happy," when he goes on the potty! Then that MAY accept been it. But that would depend on your child's personality I'm certain. Now my second boy? He probably won't have a care in the earth if mommy is happy or non. Haha!

5. Look until they're gear up

I know, I was that mom as well. The one that wanted her child to be potty trained super early on and then I could cease buying diapers, and could have the satisfaction that my kid was potty trained, and I didn't have to deal with changing a this "huge" kid's diaper anymore. Just I should have listened the other moms. "Wait until they're fix." I think it'southward true. We should wait until we retrieve they can at least understand what going on the potty is.

I noticed with my son, that one day he but seemed to communicate better. He was starting to actually tell me things, and not simply 1 word hither and there. He was making sentences. This was right about the time that he was initiating that he had to go potty himself. And then wait Mom. Just wait. (Merely don't stop talking about it.)  Just accept the pressure off of y'all, your niggling ane, and I'm sure he/she volition be out of diapers before kindergarten. 🙂

I know information technology's Stressful…

I remember the days of beingness stressed to the max during potty grooming. Searching high and low for tips on "how to beginning potty grooming," and I couldn't wait to find new ideas to try. So I truly hope that you institute these helpful, and your son or daughter is shut to that super awesome thing we call, "potty trained." 🙂

If you lot're hither reading this, that means you probably have a toddler at habitation. You lot just may find comfort in my other toddler posts that I've spilled the beans on. Like:

Turning that crib in to a dressing room

Turn your crib in to a dress up, dressing room!

Toy Timeout – A positive parenting tip

Toy Time-Out! Brilliant! I love this direction of parenting, with child discipline!

Why I Had a "Yes," Solar day for my Kids

Why I Had A Yes Day For My Kids

Until next time…

how to start potty training

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5 tips for potty training and a free printable chart


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