How Can I Watch Episodes of Family Feud

Photo Courtesy: MGM/IMDb

We've all been in this situation i or ii thousand times: After dinner, the whole family gathers in the living room, lounging near the fire, picking at some pumpkin pie and scrolling through Netflix and Hulu and HBO Max and — well, before you know it, an hour has passed and you lot still don't take a flick to sentry. Flicking through streaming platforms and cable channels to find that elusive flick anybody tin hold on is the original "doomscrolling," but, if you prep in accelerate, it doesn't have to be that mode this year.

Whether you're jubilant the twenty-four hours with others in your household or doing a virtual meetup via Netflix Political party, nosotros've rounded up 14 choice movies to help mitigate that 24-hour interval-of film-picking stress. From classics centered around Thanksgiving to films that capture a holiday-appropriate sense of family unit, fun and coziness, these movies are certain to excite even the pickiest moving picture lovers.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)

Outset on our list is likely first on everyone's heed when it comes to naming a Thanksgiving moving picture. Strangely, for all the Christmas movies that flood our screens in December, in that location really aren't too many (quality) films set against the properties of Turkey Day. John Hughes' Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one glaring exception to that strange phenomenon.

Photo Courtesy: Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Starring the ever-hilarious Steve Martin and John Candy, this holiday comedy follows Neal Folio (Martin), a rather high-strung suit, and Del Griffith (Processed), a kindhearted shower curtain ring salesman, as they embark upon a three-mean solar day odyssey to become to Chicago in fourth dimension for Neal's Thanksgiving dinner. This classic "odd couple" formula holds upwardly — and, hey, nosotros can all relate to travel plans going awry, particularly around the holidays.

Now Streaming On: Amazon Prime Video, Sling TV.

If at that place's i thing you tin can say about Pieces of April, it's that information technology's very early aughts. And if in that location's a second thing you tin say about Peter Hedges' comedy-drama, information technology's that information technology is a surprisingly great moving-picture show that bears repeat viewings annually. This is in big part due to the film'south star-studded cast, which includes Katie Holmes, Derek Luke, Sean Hayes, Alison Pill, Oliver Platt, John Gallagher Jr. and Patricia Clarkson.

Photograph Courtesy: MGM/IMDb

Our chief character here is the titular April (Holmes), who struggles to prepare a far-from-perfect Thanksgiving meal for her estranged family unit. Her cramped, Lower Due east Side apartment in Manhattan — with its not-functional oven — and a agglomeration of other hurdles crop up, making April'south day all the more stressful. To make matters more fraught, April'southward female parent, Joy (Clarkson), believes this to be her last Thanksgiving due to her contempo breast cancer diagnosis. Both funny and wrenching, the moving-picture show earned Clarkson both University Laurels and Aureate Globe nominations — and information technology'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to see why.

Now Streaming On: Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Sling TV.

The Farewell (2019)

Few films in recent years have captured a family's dynamic with such precision as The Good day. When yous watch it y'all get a full sense of the characters outside of the film'southward fundamental storyline. While this one isn't nearly Thanksgiving, it does encounter a family come up together and navigate each other's (oftentimes alien) needs in a way that makes it feel like must-watch when you're gathered with loved ones.

Photo Courtesy: A24/IMDb

Written and directed by Lulu Wang, The Goodbye is based on her What You Don't Know segment on NPR's This American Life program. And that segment? It was based on Wang's experience visiting her terminally sick Nai Nai (paternal grandmother) in China — at a time when Wang's family agreed it was best to keep the diagnosis from Nai Nai. In the film, the ofttimes comedic Awkwafina plays Wang's stand-in character, Billi, delivering a "fish-out-of-h2o physicality and emotion-on-her-sleeve sincerity that acts as a catalyst for the family to address problems they'd rather leave unspoken" (IndieWire). If you've e'er felt a bit out of sorts in your own family unit — if you've ever kept a secret or worried virtually not being fully honest with a loved one — and so The Farewell will hold space for you as it does for its onscreen family.

Now Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video.

Honey & Basketball (2000)

Sure, football game might exist the unofficial official sport of Thanksgiving, but a great sports movie is a corking sports movie, regardless of the field — or courtroom — and Love & Basketball delivers. In improver to giving audiences all the heartache and romantic high notes they could enquire for, this classic also provides sports moving-picture show thrills and deftly captures what it means to be a adult female athlete.

Photograph Courtesy: New Line Cinema/IMDb

It's that mix of able-bodied ambition, familiar romance beats and the way the film traces the lives of its 2 main characters that makes Love & Basketball feel like a particularly choice vacation lookout. For her directorial debut, Gina Prince-Bythewood told Slate that she "wanted to make a real love story with Black people. Non a romantic comedy, but the kind that wrecks you and builds you back up." Without a dubiety, Dearest & Basketball game does just that. The moving-picture show traces the human relationship between Monica (Sanaa Lathan) and Quincy (Omar Epps), two kids who love basketball, become rivals and and then, throughout their lives, explore an on-again/off-once more relationship. Who needs the Dallas Cowboys, correct?

At present Available to Rent on: Amazon Prime number Video, Vudu, YouTube.

Home for the Holidays (1995)

Often, the mark of a great vacation picture is a stellar ensemble cast. On that front, Jodie Foster's Dwelling house for the Holidays, which stars Holly Hunter, Robert Downey Jr., Anne Bancroft, Dylan McDermott and Claire Danes, nails it. Based on a short story by Chris Radant, the Thanksgiving classic centers on Claudia Larson (Hunter), who faces a serial of unfortunate events in the lead upwards to the holiday.

Photo Courtesy: MGM/IMDb

Not but does Claudia lose her job and kiss her ex-boss, simply she also discovers that her daughter has made carve up Thanksgiving plans, leaving Claudia afloat and Chicago-bound. The only problem? Equally with all holiday films that stand the exam of time, Claudia's family is rather dysfunctional — that is, bad at communicating. In the cease, secrets spill out, feelings are hurt and hilarity ensues. Standouts include Foster's directing, Hunter's amuse and Downey Jr.'s performance as Tommy, Claudia's gay brother and longtime confidante.

Now Streaming On: Hulu, Starz, Sling Boob tube.

Ratatouille (2007)

If you're anything like us, the lyrics "Remy, the ratatouille, the rat of all my dreams" take been on repeat in your head cheers to TikTok'southward internet-meme-meets-musical-theater-collab Ratatouille the Musical, a crowdsourced, but unofficial, bid to turn the beloved Pixar moving-picture show into a Broadway-esque hit. While nosotros practise recommend watching the various videos that make upwards the viral "Ratatousical," it might be best to stick with the real deal on Thanksgiving.

Photo Courtesy: Pixar/IMDb

For the uninitiated, Ratatouille follows the story of Remy (Patton Oswalt), a blue rat with a penchant for cooking. When Remy finds himself in Paris, he can't help simply live out his dreams of chefdom — well, sort of. Remy meets a hapless restaurant employee (and human), Linguini (Lou Romano), and proceeds to direct the boy'southward cooking while hiding nether his chef's lid. At that place's no one who appreciates the precision and beauty of cooking more than Remy, and then why not spend some time with him and his pals this Thanksgiving?

Now Streaming On: Disney+.

Knives Out (2019)

No, Knives Out isn't a holiday film, but the sheer amount of incredible jackets and cozy cardigans — and, most chiefly, Chris Evans' iconic cablevision-knit sweater — could fool you. So, why watch this i on Thanksgiving? Well, Knives Out is all virtually familial dysfunction and betrayal and secrets. Much similar Thanksgiving, a death brings a difficult family together, but this time the death isn't a turkey — it's the family's wealthy, mystery novel-writing patriarch Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer).

Photograph Courtesy: Lionsgate/IMDb

The film follows Marta (Ana de Armas), Harlan's flagman, and the residue of the zany, opinionated family as they effort to piece together Harlan's suspect demise. Rian Johnson's whodunnit feels like a snappier, saltier, twistier Inkling (1985), i that'due south made for, and about, the nowadays day. But it however gives yous the (weirdly) cozy feeling those archetype capers are known for, in part because of Daniel Craig's stellar performance every bit private eye Benoit Blanc. In improver to Craig, de Armas, Plummer and Evans, the picture likewise features wonderful performances from Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Michael Shannon and Lakeith Stanfield.

Now Streaming On: Amazon Prime Video.

A Charlie Dark-brown Thanksgiving (1973)

Before this year, a somewhat-scandal cropped upwards around A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It didn't accept anything to do with the content of the film, but, instead, the moving-picture show's availability. Since launching its streaming service, Apple caused the exclusive streaming rights to all the Peanuts heavy-hitters, from It'southward the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966) to A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965).

Photo Courtesy: United Feature Syndicate/CBS/IMDb

If you have access to Apple TV+, you'll still be able to savour the special, which opens with the Peanuts' iconic "football gag" — yous know, Lucy enticing Charlie Brownish to kick a football game, only to pull it away at the last moment. Apart from the archetype hijinks, the special aims to tell a heartwarming story about friendship: Charlie Brownish, Snoopy and other members of the gang throw a Thanksgiving dinner for Peppermint Patty later the Birkenstock-wearing child is left home alone for the holiday. In the words of Lucy, you lot'd be a real "blockhead" to miss this one.

Now Streaming On: Apple TV+.

Dan in Real Life (2007)

There'due south just something almost extended family unit gathering in a big, old house that screams "happy holidays" — even if there'south nothing remotely seasonal well-nigh the flick in question. Such is the instance with Dan in Real Life, a comedy-drama directed by Peter Hedges (Pieces of April). You may retrieve this film for its iconic affiche, which features a glum Steve Carell using a stack of syrupy pancakes as a pillow, only if you lot never got around to actually watching it, now's the time.

Photograph Courtesy: Touchstone Pictures/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/IMDb

In one of his earliest dramedy turns, Carell plays Dan Burns, a newspaper communication columnist and contempo widower who takes his daughters on a trip to Rhode Isle for an almanac family reunion of sorts at his parents' (Dianne Wiest and John Mahoney). Of class, Dan's other siblings evidence upwards likewise, including his perennial bachelor brother Mitch (Dane Melt). From managing his depression to having a see-beautiful moment with Juliette Binoche'south Marie in a local bookshop, Carell's performance feels then grounded — heartwarming and as well stinging. You lot know, perfect for the holidays.

Now Available to Rent On: Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Vudu.

Yous've Got Post (1998)

Speaking of love interests and bookshops…Yous've Got Mail! Arguably, this is the best Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan rom-com team-up of the '90s. Directed by Nora Ephron, this classic isn't really a Thanksgiving moving-picture show either, but, like whatsoever good rom-com worth its table salt, it all the same gives off those comforting, all-will-end-well and at that place-are-some-slap-up-jackets-and-sweaters vibes.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

In the movie, Ryan's Kathleen owns an indie bookstore that's about to be put out of business past Joe (Hanks), our '90s Amazon stand-in. This one hits all the right beats, and, to be off-white, there is an iconic Thanksgiving scene that features a supremely annoyed Ryan in a grocery shop dealing with money woes and an obnoxious dude (Hanks). And, hey, who wouldn't want to spend Thanksgiving with 2 of America's nearly dearest Hollywood sweethearts?

Now Streaming On: HBO Max.

The Oath (2018)

Looking to liven things up this Thanksgiving? Melody into The Oath, a black comedy written and directed by the film'due south star Ike Barinholtz. Without a uncertainty, this comedic movie, built around a politically divided family unit, could simply exist in a world where The Purge franchise exists — it feels similar a response to that dystopian horror serial, only, y'all know, helmed past comedic greats like Barinholtz and Tiffany Haddish.

Photo Courtesy: Roadside Attractions/IMDb

The premise is unproblematic: In the about future, the The states government asks all of its citizens to sign a loyalty pledge. It's not a requirement, per se, just at that place's a strict borderline — Black Friday, the day later on Thanksgiving. This provides the properties for Chris (Barinholtz) and Kai's (Haddish) messy Turkey Day repast. While the couple is rather disturbed by the adjuration, other members of their politically divided family aren't as upset by it. Long story short, it'southward the ultimate awkward, infuriating Thanksgiving dinner — turned upwards several notches.

At present Streaming On: Hulu.

Lez Bomb (2018)

In many ways, Lez Bomb is the original Happiest Season — that is, it also tells the story of a queer woman bringing her partner home for a holiday without coming out to her family first. This fourth dimension, notwithstanding, the vacation is actually Thanksgiving. Written and directed by its star Jenna Laurenzo, the one-act-drama follows the closeted Lauren (Laurenzo) and her loving partner Hailey (Caitlin Mehner) as they commence on a archetype dysfunctional-family-meets-holidays journey.

Photo Courtesy: Gravitas Ventures/IMDb

Upon arriving at her parents' — played by Kevin Pollak and Dierdre O'Connell — Lauren tries her (somewhat) best to come up out as gay to them, only to be cut off time and again. In the middle of all of this, her longtime friend and roommate Austin (Brandon Micheal Hall) arrives, turkey in paw, to spend the holidays with Lauren'southward family. Almost immediately, Lauren's parents mistake Austin for her boyfriend and, when a flannel-clad Hailey does testify up, the thought that she is really Lauren'due south partner never crosses their minds. At times frustrating past design, this funny, sincere and heartfelt Thanksgiving film is rounded out past a charming cast, which includes Cloris Leachman, Bruce Dern and Elaine Hendrix of Parent Trap (1998) fame.

Now Streaming On: Amazon Prime number Video, Tubi.

The Parent Trap (1998)

"Let's assemble, yeah, yep, yes" might not exactly be the mantra of 2020's Thanksgiving season — and isn't exactly the mantra of Disney's Parent Trap remake either. Nonetheless, this is one of the remakes that's — fight us on it! — ameliorate than the original. (Apologies to Hayley Mills and Hayley Mills and her stylish '60s outfits.) As most moviegoers know, director Nancy Meyers' Parent Trap is all about bringing families back together, making information technology a wonderful tonic for a year total of isolation.

Photograph Courtesy: Universal Pictures/IMDb

In the remake, Lindsay Lohan stars opposite herself as Hallie Parker and Annie James, estranged twins who, by adventure, meet at a Maine summer camp only to observe that they're related. The twins make up one's mind the best way to reunite their mom, London-based wedding clothes designer Elizabeth James (Natasha Richardson), and their dad, Napa-based winemaker Nick Parker (Dennis Quaid), is to bandy places post-summer camp. Inevitably, they'll need to be switched back, correct? Correct.

At present Streaming On: Disney+.

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

If the wondrously brilliant animation and fanciful grapheme and world pattern don't depict you in, the story of Howl's Moving Castle is sure to captivate young and old viewers alike. Based on the Diana Wynne Jones novel of the same proper noun, this animated venture was crafted with care by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. For newcomers, Howl's is set in a fictional world where both early 20th-century inventions and magic be, where 2 kingdoms war with one another and where a immature milliner named Sophie is turned into an erstwhile adult female past a witch's curse.

Photograph Courtesy: Studio Ghibli/IMDb

Seeking to suspension the curse, Sophie finds herself working as a cleaning woman for Howl, a mannerly but ill-tempered young sorcerer who lives in an enchanted, walking castle. While Howl is pulled into the kingdoms' war, Sophie finds herself overjoyed by the wizard's motley crew — a fire demon named Calcifer, Howl'due south immature apprentice Markl — and the characters she meets along the style — a wheezing dog, an enchanted scarecrow, a done-up witch. In the end, Howl's Moving Castle is all about love, in all its variations, and chosen family — and no other non-Thanksgiving film captures the spirit of togetherness, in all its permutations, like this film.

Now Streaming On: HBO Max.


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