How Long Does Salvage the Bones Take to Read


The basic in our body form our skeleton. They assist to support our torso and protect important organs. Bones too store nutrients and minerals, and they are places where blood cells are made. Humans have more 200 basic in their bodies – all of different shapes and sizes. Like other parts of our body bones continue changing all the time. They are alive and grow, especially when you are immature.

Parts of a bone

The outer surface of a bone is called the periosteum. It is a very thin membrane that has nerves and blood vessels in it. They deport nutrients to the bones.

The compact bone is the smooth and very hard part of the os. It is the office you see when you await at a skeleton.

Spongy bone is lighter than compact bone but it is yet very potent. It looks like a sponge or honeycomb with a lot of spaces in betwixt.

The inside parts of a bone are hollow. They are filled with a jelly called bone marrow. In adults the long basic of the legs and arms are filled with yellow marrow. The ends have blood-red marrow. It is the place where billions of new blood cells are produced every day.

When a child is born it has well-nigh 300 "soft" basic . Every bit it grows upwards some of these basic abound together to form the 206 basic that a normal grown-up has. During childhood bones abound with the help of calcium. Past the time you are most xx, bones stop growing.

Bones in the human body

The basic of the human body

The Spine and Chest

The spine is a special part of our skeleton. It has 26 small bones that await like rings and are linked together. These rings are chosen vertebrae. The spine lets you twist and curve your torso and information technology holds your body upright. It also supports your head so that information technology tin't fall downwards. The spine protects the spinal cords which are the nerves that send information to the residual of your body.

Between each ring there are small soft discs. They keep the vertebrae from rubbing against each other and act as a pillow, and so when yous jump into the air and come to the ground again it doesn't injure.

Ribs are a cage of bones that protect the virtually of import organs: your centre, lungs, liver and others. You tin can feel your ribs by touching your chest.

Most people accept twelve pairs of ribs that look the same on the right and left side. They are fastened to the spine in the back. In the centre of your chest there is a potent bone called the sternum. Information technology keeps your ribs in place, so that they don't autumn apart.


The bones in your caput make up your skull. They protect your brain. Some basic in your skull are fixed, so that you can't move them. Others, like your jawbone can be moved. Information technology opens and closes your mouth when you eat, talk or chew food.

Babies are born with spaces between the bones in their skull. As a baby grows the spaces disappear and the bones grow together.

Arms and hands

Your arms and easily make up a full of about 54 bones. They let you write, choice upwards things or throw a brawl. Each arm is attached to a shoulder blade. There are ii long basic in your arm which are connected through your elbow. These bones are wider at the ends and thinner in the middle.

The wrist connects the lower part of your arm with your hand. It is very flexible so you can twist information technology and turn it effectually in many directions. The paw is made up of small separate bones. Each finger has three basic, merely your thumb has two.


A leg is fabricated upwardly of three basic. They are very large and stiff and help back up the weight of your body. They are connected to a group of bones called the pelvis, which supports the upper part of your body.

The longest bone of our body is the femur. It runs from the pelvis to the knee. The knee itself is protected by the kneecap. The talocrural joint connects the lower office of your leg with your foot. The bones in your feet assistance you stand and remainder your torso.


A joint is a identify that holds two bones together. Stock-still joints don't move at all. Some of them are in your skull and in other parts of your body.

Moving joints allow y'all to twist, bend and move dissimilar parts of your torso. Some of them allow you motility in only one direction, others permit you lot to move freely in many directions. Joints accept fluids in them, and so they can work more easily and don't hurt.

Diseases and injuries

bones are xrayedSimilar all parts of the body our basic tin also endure from sure diseases. Bones need calcium to make them difficult. If your body does not get enough vitamin D bones don't have plenty calcium, they get soft and curved. People suffer from osteoporosis when they take weak bones.

Bones can too break. In babies and immature children cleaved bones abound together chop-chop, but when people become older it takes longer for bones to be repaired. In elderly people bones heal very slowly – sometimes not at all.

Joints besides attract diseases when a person gets older. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint that hurts and sometimes makes information technology incommunicable for y'all to move.

Taking intendance of bones

  • Protect your skull bones by wearing a helmet when you ride your bike or do other sports.
  • Wear elbow and knee pads when you lot go skating.
  • Strengthen your bones by drinking milk and eating dairy products like cheese and yoghurt. They all take calcium in them, which makes basic harder.

Downloadable PDF Text- and Worksheets

  • Text and Worksheets available at our shop

Related Topics

  • Breaking a Bone


  • talocrural joint = a joint that connects the pes to the leg
  • adhere = connect to
  • attract =to be a magnet for
  • residual =go on steady
  • curve = plough
  • billion = a 1000 million
  • blood cell =ane of the cells in your body with blood; there are cerise and white blood cells
  • blood vessel = a tube that carries claret from 1 part of your trunk to some other
  • brain = the organ inside your head that controls how y'all think and feel
  • muzzle =a structure which protects something
  • calcium = a chemical element that is soft and white. It is found in bones, teeth and chalk
  • breast = the front end office of your torso between your cervix and your stomach
  • chew = to seize with teeth many times
  • curved =bent, rounded
  • dairy products = food that comes from the moo-cow similar milk, cheese, butter
  • disappear = to get away so that you don't run into information technology
  • disc = a round flat object
  • disease = illness
  • elderly = older
  • specially = above all, mainly
  • femur =the principal bone in the upper function of your leg
  • flexible = easy to bend and turn
  • fluid =liquid, something watery
  • grown-upwardly = an adult
  • heal = to go healthy again
  • hollow = empty inside
  • honeycomb = the identify where bees put their beloved. It has 6 sides and holes in between
  • impossible = you cannot exercise it
  • inflammation = part of the body becomes reddish and swollen when it is injure
  • it takes longer =you need more than time
  • jawbone = i of the bones that your teeth are in
  • jelly =material that is very soft and moves easily when you lot bear on it
  • joint = a place that holds two basic together
  • continue in place = in the correct position
  • kneecap = small os that covers the front of the knee
  • liver = the part of your body that cleans your claret
  • membrane = a very thin piece of skin that connects parts of your body
  • food =a nutrient or chemical that gives people, animals or plants what they need to grow
  • osteoporosis = when bones become weak and pause easily
  • pad = thick soft material that y'all can wear on your knees or elbows—it protects your joints
  • pelvis =the curved bones which connect your trunk with your legs
  • pillow =a soft material that protects something
  • protect =defend, guard
  • rub =to press something confronting something else
  • divide =single
  • shape = what something looks like = class
  • shoulder bract = a flat bone at the top of your back
  • skull = the bones of your head
  • shine = flat, even
  • space =room, gap
  • spinal string = the nerves that are in your spine
  • spine = the row of bones down the middle of your back
  • sponge = something that is soft and full of holes
  • store =go on, save
  • strengthen = to make stronger
  • suffer =to experience pain
  • support = to hold something upwards
  • surface =the top layer of an object
  • thumb = short thick finger at the side of the mitt
  • twist = movement, plow
  • upright =continuing straight
  • weight =how heavy something is
  • wide =broad
  • wrist = joint between the paw and the arm


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